may and june were such busy months for me and there would have been plenty for me to write about, but nooo time. now that school is out and life has calmed down there isn't much of interest happening to me. the girls and i have started the summer holidays on a good rhythm. they have to clean their room every day and do one chore before they do anything else. at first there was a lot of complaining and they were taking all day to clean their room when it just had a couple of things that needed tidying. but then brent bought wii. (we don't really have that kind of money but he returned his laptop and we had an instore credit for...let's just say a lot of money at future shop.) the first morning after brent brought it home the girls woke me up with breakfast in bed (a piece of toast with butter) and a note saying good morning and that they had cleaned their room and done a chore. so could they please play wii? so finally my house is starting to look like it did before the crazy hecticness of the last 6 weeks. and i filed my taxes. i'm looking forward to having a little money. there are some things i really need. nothing exciting--stuff like new undies and a new bathing suit. we went to the pool to celebrate the last day of school and my bathing suit was suddenly so thin. and the skirt is all stretched out. it was ok when it was cold but now that summer has set in i want to go swimming. not really looking forward to the shopping for the bathing suit bit though. i don't know how to do that and still feel good about myself. try on a suit and suddenly i see all my flaws....see? i don't have anything to write about. here are some pictures that capture some of what happened the last 2 months: