so...brent has gout. he has become an old man. and i think i have rheumatoid arthritis so i have aged right along side him. to me, he is too young to have gout. he shouldn't have anything with such a yucky sounding name. doesn't one of the less favorable characters in one of jane austen's stories have gout? and i feel that i am too young to start having to live a life of chronic pain. it is actually rather depressing to me.
on a happier note,my baby just seems to get cuter every day. as she grows i keep thinking that now she is in best stage. i guess that i just love every stage. she is becoming quite the little parrot now. she says akeeya for her sisters and geen for food and drink. she can say light and night night and baby and woof. she even sings the gilmore girls song whenever she sees me put the disc in. she loves balls and often carries her favourite one in her mouth as she crawls. yesterday we went to the church for adriel's party and she sat happily for quite awhile hugging a basketball. she is usually so happy and sweet and i feel such a close bond to her.
anyhoo, here are some photos that chronicle our life over the last couple of months:
we just can't seem to resist the bath pictures
and now she has teeth
in one of her many easter dresses. can you guess which child star she reminds me of in this pic?
we went to shack island--you had to walk over a bed of oysters to get there.
and now she's crawling
see? she is such a sweetie!
we went camping with the strattons
she gets to try some yogurt because she is on antibiotics for impetigo
she's not sure if she likes it
poor nat was sick and spent most of the time looking like this
elizabeth's first birthday
enjoying her first freedom with food--birthday cake!
frisbee golfing
this is what happens if you try to use "red eye" on a baby