Brent is gone. I dropped him off at harbour air just after 7 this morning. He has gone to California for some training for half a week. When he is gone, some things (like dinner and dinner deadlines) become so much more laid back for me. And I can watch all the chick flicks I want guilt free. I've been thinking about watching the twilight movies again. I've only seen the 2nd and 3rd once...It is even easier for me to keep the house clean when he is gone. Not because he is so messy but because I just spend more time cleaning when he isn't here because I'm bored and lonely. I don't know how single parents do it. Our home is incomplete. And with the kids going back to school tomorrow, life is feeling drab for me. I LOVED having 2 weeks for spring break. I adjusted so well that a 1 week break seems way too short. My life isn't even that hectic anymore--spring break used to just mean a break from scheduled busy lives to me. It is just so nice having the girls home. All 3 girls got along so well and did so much together. Every year at the start of spring break I have all these plans of what I'd like to get done during the break and we never get close. Always one of the things on my list is organizing the girls room...I guess I'm a little intimidated or just don't want to do it because it NEVER happens. Hardly any of my plans happen. Mostly we laze around eating lunch late and reading lots of Harry Potter. This year the kids were getting along so well, I just didn't want to interfere. But now it is over and tomorrow we are back to living with a schedule. Schedules, I know, can be a good thing. I know I would get a lot less done--but right now I'm feeling rather rebellious about it all. ramble ramble ramble...