It is Sunday night and I don't want to go to bed yet because I don't feel like ending the weekend yet. A couple of weeks ago I was feeling rather sluggish on a Monday morning so I decided to plug in the laptop and listen to conference while I did my housework. I have found it to be a very good way to 'get the ball rolling'. You know how when you watch conference your mind just fills up with things you should be doing and you feel this restless energy while you sit there listening? Now I put that energy to use cleaning my house...although I'm pretty sure that isn't exactly the desired effect of conference... it helps and inspires me in other ways too.
I have been wanting to blog but just haven't really had anything to write about. I think when I haven't blogged in awhile I need something...a feeling, a special thought to share and I just don't have one this time. But I will persevere in the hopes that the feeling comes eventually.
The weather lately has been so beautiful and I finally managed to get Brent to make a family outing to the corn maze. Every year he has always rejected this suggestion. I think the big difference is that right now we have a couple Japanese students staying with us and we like to do fun things with them. The last time I was at the corn maze it was night (for YWs) and really really muddy. E was a babe in arms and I didn't even make it to the maze before I got stuck in the mud, so I didn't even do it. Luckily we've had fairly dry weather this year so it wasn't too bad. The kids had a fun time and when we were done we took a little hayride to their pumpkin patch. Mic and nat picked out an enormous pumpkin and our 2 students each picked out little ones. Tomorrow we will be carving them and roasting the seeds. This is a little earlier than I like doing it--I think that the pumpkin will be rotten before Halloween, but Brent is getting his way this time. (just as long as he can accept he won't get his way for Christmas.--Every year he starts nagging me earlier and earlier. last year it was the 3rd week of november. And Sarah you are no help at all in that area.)
Last night I took mic out for a girls night out. I really wanted aunties here for this because that is when she really wants to be included in the 'grown up' things. I got Nieve and Michelle, Melissa, and Keera to come. Although I had reservations we had to wait 45 minutes to be seated. Consequently we received $50 in gift cards and free appies. The night started out a little rocky with Nieve making mic cry by embarrassing her, but other than that it went pretty good. Nieve and her mom got mic some gifts that mic would only look at when neive was in the bathroom. They got her a stuffy for her future child, cozy socks, and a ring. Neive also illustrated a card that was kind of...graphic. Mic cheered up by thinking of what she'll do to get back at Nieve. One of them is to regift the card to her.
Today we (minus stick-in-the-mud-Brent) went to Sugar loaf. First thing we noticed when we drove up was that the sign featured in our sugarloaf photo shoot has been replaced by a much more generic one. Climbing up there always make me think of family. It just feels like one of our spots...Almost every time I go there I am with someone from our family. Although I often see people there it always seems to be an under appreciated gem and our family belongs to the small group of appreciaters. Our students were so amazed at how beautiful it is there. It has been interesting for me to see Nanaimo through their eyes. I mean I've almost always thought it was beautiful here but when I contrast it with the urban sprawl of Japan I can really appreciate the beauty of this sleepy little city nestled in the hillside along the coast. That's what I think it looks like as you approach departure bay from the ferry. Ironically the only time I was not able to see the beauty here was when I flew home from Okinawa. After living somewhere so tropical the evergreens and ocean looked so dark to me. There was definitely something psychological interfering with my judgement. I'd be willing to bet mom and dad would still be able to recognize the rugged beauty of the island after their 2 years in the tropics. I'm feeling rather rambly now and since it is now technically Monday, I'd better stop.
all in
4 weeks ago