Yesterday was a busy day. Well every day this time of year is busy but yesterday was particularly scheduled. In the morning I was off to help my friend pack. (why do I always work so hard to help my friends move away? why do they always move away?) Ok didn't actually work that hard--just packed a few boxes and left her with a lot more still to do. Then off to make cookies for a primary activity while E enjoyed a playdate. The dough was already made so I just helped roll and cut them. Rushed home to make dinner--there was supposed to be a basketball game to go watch but it was cancelled due to lack of parent drivers. Mic knew I was going to watch but for some reason thought I couldn't drive...? (I think 13 yr olds really do lose a bit of logical brain function) So I did get a bit of a breather to make dinner.
We ate a rushed dinner and then off to a magic show at port theatre. Jason got our family some tickets and we met up with him there. He wanted to meet an hour early since the seating was just by whoever got there first. We had to really hurry to meet him there that early. As I started to quickly put on a little make up, Brent said "why are you doing that? It is just going to be dark in there." I said it wouldn't be dark the whole time and proceeded to put some eyeliner on but now I was convinced to not bother with anything else. Well, we were there first. Jason wanted to sit in the front row--but we convinced him to sit in the third row.
You probably guessed where this is going. It wasn't only a magic show. There were other entertainers there as well. One of the acts was a comedic juggler. He asked for a girl older than 18 to come up. I slid down a little in my seat. He looked in my direction and said "The girl there with the blonde curly hair" I knew he was talking to me. Behind me was Sawyer and his dad and behind them was my friend Erin with her family. None of them had curly hair. I looked imploringly at my husband to save me but of course he didn't. I think you all know how much I deplore the spotlight.
Now I had to go up on stage in my most frumpy schlumpy clothes--you all know I have some(I was still wearing what I wore to help Michelle with her move) and be used for laughs. I felt soooo AWKWARD!!! He didn't require that much of me. Just chain his hands in this weird contraption I didn't understand at first. And put hacky sacks on his feet. He made inappropriate jokes and then commented on my big wedding ring. Brent pointed out later that after I chained his hands in he asked me to give him a high five and I didn't even notice that he had gotten his hand out of the chains. I was just worried about catching the hacky sack. After I caught it he kept saying "chest bump" There was no way. I just kept backing away from him. I was just so embarrassed. For my humiliation I got a little picture of Ricky Martin. (nat was shocked when I gave it to Nieve today) He still kept talking about me and to me after I sat down. It is now right up there as one of my most embarrassing moments--made only worse by the fact that there were several people I knew in the audience.
all in
4 weeks ago