it is a beautiful sunny monday morning and i still feel the glow from my day of spiritual feasting. not that i did anything special. in fact i spent most of the day at the church in meetings. i was there from 10 until 5:30. brent was very irate on the way home and to emphasize his feelings he drove like an idiot--fast acceleration that caused us to fishtail around corners. i sat there in silence knowing he was wrong but not wanting to fight about it. i prayed to know the best way to respond to his temper. and somehow i was able to dispel it and keep my cool. he was able to let go and we had a nice evening.
i reread elder hale's conference talk today. it is such a good talk. (i wish i could be even an little bit as eloquent and wise when i have to give a talk as the general authorities are) as i starting reading it i noticed that it was all marked up, so i asked brent if he had done it. nope--it was me and as i read it again i remembered why. such a good inspiring talk. the point i am focussing on today is the one i used for my title. it is such a fundamental belief. it seems to me that in the church we all know in theory that we are children of God, but maybe we don't necessarily accept it. if we did we would never question our self-worth. when i worked in young women's it seemed that every one of the girls struggled with this. i think it is satan's great tool against women--to lower their self esteem. small children don't have low self esteem. they are confident that they are loved and wonderful and beautiful and good at what they do. they don't question it and they don't feel ashamed for thinking that way. i wish it didn't change. if i could only pass one thing on to my daughters it would be this--that they are beloved daughters of God. and that He has the power to help us. so today i am trying to remember in all that i do, God has the power to help me. that means i can do anything.
all in
4 weeks ago
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