the girls are up cleaning their room. nat is even helping and into it. mic is not complaining that nat isn't helping. in fact behind me right now nat is saying that she wants to clean up and urging mic to help her. every few minutes or so they come down and say they are ready for me to "check" their room and see if it is good enough. each time i go up and find one of their hiding spots where they stuff things that they don't want to put away. they have a lot of them. then they have to clean that stuff up. the annoying thing is that i keep finding some of the same toys. don't they get it? they can't hide it from me. oh that i could always have this leverage. what is the currency i have to motivate my daughters? presents. nat had her birthday party today. she's not allowed to get any out of the packaging until their room is clean to my satisfaction. and i'm feeling pretty picky. i have to use it while i've got it. maybe i can draw the process out by only allowing one present a day. hehhehheh.
i am so tired. i wish i could just relax and not have to worry about the next big thing i have to do. but the next big thing is teach relief society this sunday. there'll be no relaxing for me just yet. although i may just procrastinate a little tonight. this week has been something major every 2 days. i'm ready to be done.
all in
4 weeks ago
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