I guess I'm getting into a bit of a routine here. In light of our increased income slicing our child tax credit in half and eliminating medical subsidy, we have come to the desperate need to find a new source of income. So the girls and I have started a paper route. They get a small cut of it and I use the rest to cover half their piano lessons which Brent demanded they give up. But I just couldn't do it, so here we find ourselves. I wasn't sure how we would like it, but as luck would have it we ended up with a pretty sweet route. We do the neighbourhood behind our complex (where we go trick or treating) and the girls working together can get it done in less than 45 minutes. Our first day of papers just happened to be flyer day; the papers were so fat that we had to use 2 strollers to take them. There was no way they could carry that many papers (82) So then I was on the hunt for a wagon. Sure enough the recycling place came through for me again just when I needed it. The girls now love playing outside with the wagon. They have all the kids in the complex clamboring for rides. It reminds of the days when Layne and Karen lived here and their boys had a wagon. (Their rides were so popular that they tried making a little money off their rides) I remember Brenna and Alysha coming for a visit and all the cousins riding on the wagon.
Sigh. Now I've gone and reminded myself how alone I am here. I miss those days when my kids could just go out into the complex and play with their cousins. I had to go to the relief society conference all on my own. I felt so lonely. One of my first conferences here all of us girls that lived here were asked to sing--there were 6 of us and now there is just one. Sometimes I feel a little abandoned and cheated too. I would never have come here to live if our family didn't live here. You enticed me to live here, I set down roots and then you all moved away!
But I digress. Everything with the paper route has just fallen into place. I feel so blessed. We've also talked about Brent doing some gis work on the side--sub contract out for some work and work experience. It has been 3 years since he finished and since he hasn't used gis, he needs to brush up. The challenge is the software costs over 2 thousand. Then Brent went and did some pro bono work as an alumni for viu up in Courtenay. 2 of his instructors were there (1 gis instructor) and they want to use what he did for gis stuff. It ties gis in with what he does at work, so that could be really helpful. This also put him in touch with the software which he can use free for a year! He has already received some requests for work--he just has to demonstrate his skills. We have just really felt the Lord's hand guiding us in what to do about money problems and have been so blessed.
all in
4 weeks ago
I know--now we're ALL alone! It's not right. I still feel lonely going to RS functions. I'm glad the paper route is working out so well for you guys though.
Really? It seems like you are so involved and have so many friends.
And thanks for the new skin. It looks even better than i expected.
well, *I* don't have friends where I am, and I didn't in Vic either, and I've been mourning the Clarke migration from the island for a long time. At least me and you are still on the same hunk of earth!
That's awesome about the paper route, and I'm glad the girls get to keep their lessons.
I'm glad you like your new skin! And yah, I don't have any friends--nobody who would choose to sit by me or who I'd feel comfortable sitting beside, for instance.
Look on the bright side- now when people visit, you don't have to share their attention with me.
I hear an echo in my head of your voice "Why oh why would you switch to comments?!" What have you to say for yourself?
Love the skin, I was hmmming and hawing between this one and the one I have. I'm glad you have it. It suits you.
I remember that RS conference. I miss those times too.
my tagbox was getting spammed.
I am so glad that is all working out for you. It is amazing how HF steps in to help us solve our problems.
And it is interesting. I had such a different experience being so much older than my sisters. I am used to being alone. But I have been blesed with very good friends who have been there for me over the years.
i've longed to live near sisters. sisters, sisters, lalalalala sisters....
and How do you think I feel---I didn't even get to go to the broadcast. Some how we feel we are going to have to take all the blame, for bringing you 7 beautiful unique fun-loving girls into the world and then not enabling you all to stay together forever. Just so you know---we are trying to do everything in our power so we can all be together forever. We loved hearing about your summer adventures and money blessings. It brightened a bleak day for us We love all our kids so much.
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