warning: the following account is probably of no interest to you. skimming or skipping it altogether is recommended.
halloween at last is over. it has been a hectic weekend. it all began on saturday when i chose to forgo my long leisurely run for a little more time to sleep. so instead i got up at 8 and got the girls ready and went to the church where they had their presentation practice. i had to be there to find out information from debra brooks who was in charge of the halloween party but couldn't be there and asked me to take her place. otherwise this would have been a perfect time for my run. as it was debra wasn't ready because some idiotic boys (not mentioning any names) just had to play basketball that morning and so they took down all the decorations and didn't put them back properly. that attitude that they must have their sports at all costs with little or no thought for anyone else reeelly bugs. then it was freezing in there while i was helping reset up. i had on brent's winter coat and it was actually warmer outside. they had turned on the air conditioning. in october. jeeesh. how about opening a door? or at least turning it off when you're done. i went straight from that to shopping with amy. it was a rushed trip with a grumpy bethany who didn't believe that we should look at anything other than boots. makes one wonder how she ended up getting a shirt...i realized the time and that i had to get home immediately to get the girls ready for the halloween party. i was supposed to be there early, but there was no way that was going to happen. when i got home the girls were waiting excitedly in their new costumes that had just arrived on the bus that morning. they were very cute, but way too big and i had little time and only a few pins to fix them. nat's dress was at least 6 inches too long. it probably would have fit michealah. so i did a rush job on their hair--it included curling mic's hair, which i now thoroughly know is a lost cause: it will not hold a curl--and off we rushed. after the party i had enough time to get home, have dinner, freshen the girls faces and hair and take them another halloween party at the meades. i did not want to go. i just wanted to stay home and relax. but no. how could i not go? the meade's house was all spooky and scary outside. when we left there, michealah asked me if the meades had a lot of money because they had so many halloween things. i told her they did. then she told madelaine. we got home from the party at 9. too late for the saturday night ritual of baths and hair washing, which was incidently quite needed especially as the next day was the primary presentation. i always feel rushed sunday mornings and totally unprepared for the sabbath if i haven't done their hair the night before. my salvation here was that we got an extra hour and the girls woke up early and so i did it in the morning. the presentation went pretty good and nat actually said her lines although there was a dangerous moment when matthew walburger pulled her hair. she just gave him a dirty look and took her hymn book away from him. matthew provided plenty of entertainment by singing very loudly even though he really didnn't know very many of the words. in relief society we had a lesson on visiting teaching= felt the guilt. the guilt changed to more of feeling a little sheepish when i had my v.t.ing interview and found out that most of the people i thought i visit taught were actually now being visited by linda buchanan (the person who was interviewing me) later that night she called me and told me that it has been changed for about 6 months and that amy isn't my companion anymore-michelle meade is and i'm back to visiting the older women in the ward. amy did you know this? michelle didn't. so i don't know what happened there. i called michelle that evening and this led to a very long chat. it has been awhile since we've chatted and usually paul doesn't let it go on so long, but by the time we hung up, both our husbands were in bed. sunday was restful enough except that we had alkah over for dinner and then brent felt obligated to feed doug when he came to pick up madelaine. this basically means way more dishes because brent uses them with no regard to the dishwashing aspect. i am much more stingy. then because i stayed up so late talking to michelle, i didn't get michealah's stuff ready for halloween. we were going to put her hair in the hot benders the night before and make a crown that looked more like glinda's crown. i also stayed up waaay too late to get up in time for my morning run. so the morning was a rush of getting michealah ready for halloween at school. she was supposed to take cookies and so brent went off to the store at 8 to get them. i walked mic to school and took nat on my run from there. i took some slow leisurely moments after my run to read the blogs and then got in the shower. nat came in too. we sang loudly. the kind where you are really using your diaphram and projecting. we sang give said the little stream and popcorn popping. when i opened the bathroom door i heard brent yelling "let's go! i've been calling you for 10 minutes!" as brent wasn't even home when i got in the shower this was a bit of a surprise to me. and thinking i should be ready to go when i just got of the shower and had not heard him seemed a little unreasonable. so i rushed and got nat out and dressed. brent was busy talking on the phone and no help at all. in fact, we were ready before him. i had to drive him to mom and dad's to get the truck. i took nat's dress to see if i could fix it while i was there. the truck had a bulge in the tire that looked like a big black balloon so brent couldn't do anything and made me wait there. i fixed nat's dress while mom took her out for lunch. i thought i would finish way before they were done but i was fixing the last part when they got back. i was finally ready to go but brent wanted me to wait around. i did for a few minutes until i realized with a start that it was almost time to pick mic up. so i dashed off to get her ballet stuff and pick her up. while i picked her up, brent called to say to get to mom and dad's right away because he was feeling frustrated with dad and work and when dad got there they would be talking. so after dropping mic and madelaine off at ballet, i hurried over to mom and dad's. they had just decided to go somewhere and brent wanted me to wait there. at this time i was feeling flustered and stressed because it was almost time to take the kids out for halloween and i just wasn't ready! i had not planned on spending my day at mom's! so i left brent to find his own way home. on my way home i picked up pizza. mic got home shortly after and wanted her hair recurled. aaarrrgg! if i never see a hot bender again, i will not mind. the girls looked very cute all bundled up in their costumes. mic had a headful of bouncy ringlets that looked like they actually might stay in this time. unfortunately it started to rain just after we started and her curls lasted maybe 2 doors and then the rain stopped. there was a little boy that got into sinc with mic and nat and he was quite cute. he kept saying "c'mon girls" " this way girls" i guess his parents didn't like it because after awhile they had him skip a couple houses and get ahead of us. some of the sewing i had done on nat's dress came undone. that was annoying. especially brent said things like "didn't you knot it?" so i had to pin up more and more pieces as the night went on. michealah proudly told the people at one house that her daddy had installed their granite and that she had been inside their house before. they graciously told her that he had done a good job. the girls got quite a haul just from our neighbourhood. now it is finally done and there is a HUGE bag of candy sitting behind me and i'm wondering why i did it. why why why did we get so much candy? and now i ask myself why did i write such a long boring account of my helter skelter time?