Tuesday, October 25, 2005

family time

natalie missed michealah today so i played dollhouse with her. it was funny and interesting to see the way she plays and imitates real life and mix it with the movies. the mom and dad are brent and katie. the children are violet, dash, jack jack, natalie and ella. and then there is an uncle jaeden. i don't know where that one came from. i made natalie fight with her older sister the way that she does in real life. she didn't like that and said she wasn't going to play anymore. hahaha. it was fun. brent finished work early and met us at the ballet school. i didn't tell the girls he would be there and they didn't notice him sitting outside waiting for us at first and then they both noticed him at the same time and exclaimed "DADDY!" in the same excited voice. i love how excited they are to see him. when michealah got home from ballet brent took her and nat to go and choose a pumpkin. i stayed home making dinner. we had kare rice (japanese currey) with spinach in it. it was good if i do say so myself. natalie even liked it. and that is saying something because most dinners she declares that she doesn't like it even when i know she does. we had a candle light dinner. we do this a lot when it is darker. the girls always ask and we usually comply. we "carved" the pumpkin for family home evening. (i cannot abbreviate that one because that is the way brent says it. he doesn't say family home evening or fhe, he says f-hee.) carved is in quotations because we kind of copped out. brent bought these pegs that you put into the pumpkin like a lite brite. it was nice and easy and the girls got to participate alot more. i love the smell of pumpkin. it smells so autumny and festive. when the pumpkin was finished michealah wanted to take pictures with her and natalie's head on each side because that is what we did last year. and so another family tradition is born. we had kookies for dessert which nat handed out to each of us. it was nice to be together as a family.

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