alas! the weekend has flown by and i have not accomplished some things that must be accomplished. last week i had a note that said this left in my mailbox:
"as a regular maintenance procedure your dryer vents will be blown out on monday, december 5th, 2005 [the year is given just in case you think they are giving you a year's notice, which by the way wouldn't be such a bad idea] beginning at 9am and continuing throughout the day. please ensure the laundry area is clean and the vent is accessible." aaaaahhhhh!
first of all, if this is a regular maintenance procedure, why oh why have they never done it the whole 5 years that we've lived here? second of all, and most importantly, nothing is accessible in my laundry room. so you know, i have been sort of working on getting the area cleared out and saturday was supposed to be my big day to get it all accomplished. did NOT happen. i went on my run (first time since the snow--it was time to give up that excuse) got out of the shower and realized that the girls had to be at a party in 35 minutes and we didn't have a gift yet. the party was only an hour and a half so brent and i had a little minidate during that time. then we rushed back to pick up the girls and ended up staying all day. i mean ALL day. the girls were having a good time and playing so nicely and we just seemed to have a lot to visit and talk about. i guess we are a dangerous combination with the meades--we're all very talkative. we stayed til about 7:00. then we had to come home and feed the girls and get them in bed. and by that time it was too late to start something like cleaning out the laundry room. oh well. i guess it is guaranteed to get done tomorrow. hopefully dennis won't start at our end of the complex. i need karen. i miss karen.
i was quite irritable at church today. i guess it is the time for grumpies. i just can't seem to not be critical of certain people and their testimonies when i'm like this. for example: we had ample time for testimonies in relief society--20 minutes, in fact--and there were brief breaks when no one got up and then just when linda is about to stand up and end the meeting (because, HELLO, the time is up!) sis sheppard had to get up and give crying-while-pausing-in-the-midst-of-tears-to-smile testimony. so i was bugged. i didn't even hear much of what she said. and then sister salway's duck hair. why? why must she have a duck head? why do i care? i don't really, it just bugged me to see it today. then i came home and read the ensign. this is a sunday tradition to enduce a sunday nap. anyways, i read an article about christmas hurting and cried my eyes out. i have been feeling very thankful for the many way i am blessed in my life. i have really been enjoying spending one on one time with michealah and natalie. i feel this urgency to do as much as i can with natalie before i lose her over to the school system. i can't stand that it is less than a year away and i'm not ready for it. it just isn't fair. i got six more months with michealah than with natalie. try to have your babies born early in the year. that is my advice. you get to have them longer that way. sometimes i look at michealah and my heart aches at how much she has grown up already. i remember a girls weekend where she called sarah wara and bethany betatentententen and sarah held her and ran around with her while playing tag. that wasn't that long ago. anyways, before i get myself too worked up, i'm going to is afterall too late to be awake.
all in
4 weeks ago
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