Tuesday, November 29, 2005

i went and saw the harry potter movie with brent tonight. it was a waste to go with brent--he doesn't like them, but he wanted to go for some reason, so we went. i thought they did a pretty good job on most of the things. i didn't like the way voldemort was portrayed--i didn't think he was commanding enough. lucius is scarier and more commanding then him i think. ah well. i enjoyed the humour. it was unexpected, but good. deborah brooks babysat for me. she is just so nice to me. i don't know what i've done to receive so much kindness from her, but she just keeps laying it on. today she drove out to deliver a gingerbread house kit that she bought for the girls. i was outside playing in the snow with natalie. first she made snow angels. the snow was so dense that she hardly even made a mark in the snow. then she wanted us to throw snowballs at each other. she kept asking me to make her big ones for her to throw at me, but she usually tried so hard she would crumble the ball before it left her hand. she kept saying to me as we were playing "see, isn't this fun?" then we made a snow man. he had prune eyes, a carrot nose and a raisin mouth. afterwards i saw her putting more snow on it and i asked her what she was doing. she said she wanted it to have what i have right here and pointed to her chest. so that was revealing. nat actually noticed that i have a padded chest. michealah made a little one right beside natalie's. they were right in front of our house with complete faces and hats, but that didn't seem to mean anything to some kids who smashed them both less than an hour after mic finished her's. how rude.

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