Thursday, April 20, 2006

i feel like it is time to update, but nothing is coming to my mind. my life is just not interesting. i need an outlet, but i just feel like i'm supposed to keep this to myself. i am not getting enough sleep. i stay up too late avoiding thinking about stuff. sometimes i wish i could just disappear into some sort of fantasy world where everything turns out right and i only have to watch or read and not do anything to make things unfold. i feel poised on the brink of big changes in my life and i'm just not sure if i should turn and run or jump in. the pressure to be who people think i am is overwhelming. how did i give them that impression? i'm just not that good and when i stay up late i'm even worse. my poor kids pay the price. arrgh! ok. enough reflection. i better get busy and distract myself.

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