i googled mic's name (because it has a unique spelling) to see if it showed one of my blogs. nope. it does show 3 of laura's though--one of them is a molly's life one. the same thing has been true with some of your nicknames--especially beth's. it makes me a little nervous. so much has been happening and so little is inspiring me to write about. we bought a laptop. this does not make me feel good. in fact it makes me feel ill. can we afford a laptop??! NO! do we need a laptop? not until september. it is required for brent's course he is taking then. there was no talking sense to the guy. he found the laptop he wanted and insisted it was a good deal and he would never find anything better and he could get the software from the school early and start playing around with it now blah blah blah blah. i never fell for it--not one little bit. why is it that i always cave? he just persists and bugs and pouts until i finally give in. and i was sooo determined not to give in this time because it is really something i am against. we went to future shop just so he could show me the laptop--he wasn't trying to push me to buy it at that moment and the salesguy worked his magic and now we have a laptop. and now i have to start at scratch at saving some money to pay for mic's ballet. ballet season is almost over and i still haven't paid for it. arrrggh!
on other news...i went to a piano concert tonight at the port theatre. we had really good seats--6 rows back and right in line with his hands. it was interesting but somewhat torturous. torturous because i can't sit still. i think it is a skirt thing. i cross one leg then i cross the other then i cross at the ankles--back to crossing one leg etc. i swear nobody else in front of me or beside moved a muscle during these really long pieces he was playing. how do they do it? it was interesting to see his facial expressions and apparently he sang along as he played--but i couldn't hear it. for one song he actually pounded the piano with his fist repeatedly. he really played with expression. does everyone get a standing ovation these days? it seems like it to me...as well as an encore performance. it has become the norm. well i've got to get to bed so that i'll make it for my run tomorrow morning.
all in
4 weeks ago
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