Mic plays basketball. I was told before her first game that she needs another coach because her current one is having knee surgery in the middle of the season. then i watched her first game. it was torture. Especially because parents aren't supposed coach from the sidelines. We have to sign a pledge about this when they join a team. So poor mic had to endure a barrage of insights about her game from both brent and myself after the game. It was torture for Brent too. So he decided he would help coach. But he's not been the main coach until just now. That made it a little better--Brent could just be my voice. It was kind of strange, I think, how long Brent and I could go on talking about the games--some I didn't even watch, he just told me about them. But still watching her games have still be a torturous experience for me and then I realized something. I HATE sitting on the bench! I want to get in and play myself. When I watch a game and my team is just not that aggressive I want to get in and do something about it. So I started looking around for a women's league. All I could find was a co-ed one. That is a little intimidating to me. Besides I want to play--not just run up and down the court watching guys hog the ball. Last week I got Brent to go to the church to play with me. It was fun. I got to work a little on my left side which feels a little rusty. But there was some sort of impact between something hard and bony on him (an elbow maybe?) and my jaw. It was a little painful to open my mouth wide for a few days. Which makes me think, maybe I'm too old. Maybe my body can't handle basketball anymore. Maybe that is a risk I'm willing to take. We all know who my father is. I've been thinking it would be fun to play a little 2 on 2 with another couple. Then maybe if I get my confidence and ability up we could join a summer outdoor league.
Thinking about basketball has caused me to reflect. I loved playing basketball. I changed schools just so I could play. It was a part of me. Now outside of my immediate family nobody even knows I played. And some of them don't even really know this side of me. Or they forget. ("Sarah is the athletic sister") I think it is strange that things that I was so passionate about like basketball, running, and Japan, have become a much more hidden part of myself. Those things are still there--they're just buried under my more obvious layers. Why is this? Maybe those interests are more self-centered. I guess you could say a newer more important part of me is my family. My time and energy is focused there and so that is what people who know me now see. But sometimes I miss the old me.
all in
4 weeks ago
too old to play basketball?? please! You are only too old if you think you are! Anyone's jaw would hurt if it got bashed by a bony elbow, no matter what their age! If you feel the desire to play I think you should play! I've always thought of you as athletic, if that helps. To me, basketball and japan are both large parts of your personality. Maybe they're hidden to a lot of people, but that doesn't make them any less vital, you know what I'm saying? When the time is right they will emerge! And I think the time is right for basketball to show it's face again. I hope you find a league.
I for one, grew up hearing of your basketball mightyness. I've always thought of you as athletic, too! If asked, I'd say that you AND Sarah could be labeled as the athletic sisters.(I'd also label you both the fearless sisters). Just so you know.
I agree with Bethany - you should play in a league! I'd LOVE to watch you play whenever I have the chance. I'd be proud.
This book I'm reading right now that I wrote about in my blog has a lot about remembering your old passions that you let go for whatever reason (fear, sacrifice)...and re-embracing them!
Oh, I would LOVE to see you play basketball! I have often lamented the lack of real opportunities for adults to play sports for fun - always too serious for me. I loved playing basketball and track and field. But at least I still get to dance!
And Amy, you just made Katie's point about things being hidden. I also played basketball and I was also in track and field doing 100m sprint and high jump and I also took ballet all the way to the University level.
The unknown is me and I also just wanted to point out that Martha also played soccer which was very important to her and still runs and stuff like that. So actually out of 7 sisters, four of us were into competitive sports and athletic pursuits so there can't really be A athletic sister or even 2. I think it would be more accurate to say that there were 3 who came to an enjoyment of athletic pursuits as adults.
I really think you should find a way to play. I think you feel the same way about it as I do about soccer. And, since I have started played soccer, I have been so happy. It's helped me to realize how much I really love it, and a lot of other things about myself. I had similar feelings of perhaps being too old, and could I even play well anymore, and being nervous and intimidated by playing with strangers. I always knew you were a basketball star! You should play again, you'll love it so much!
andrea, you spooked me by writing as "unknown" and I don't remember you dancing when you were in high school. I didn't know you did ballet at university either. I think all of my sisters are athletic--or can be anyway. My point was that sports for me was an all consuming passion when I was in school. i went from one sport to another--trained so hard i caused a fracture in my leg. I was obsessed. It was my life. As my family you guys are a little more aware of that side of me than others.
yes! i want you to play basketball! i think that's lame that there is only co-ed. i think i am the only one who wasn't really interested in sports growing up. and i know what you mean about parts of you that used to be part of your core definition that everyone knew, becoming kind of hidden.
i think you should definitely play! i was never that interested in sports in school... but what i miss from high school is acting. you can't really be involved with theatre as an adult AND work full time.
Don't worry, Katie, you are not being stalked. I am the unknown poster and one of the forgotten athletic sisters.
Andrea, I loved sports as well and you don't know that about me. I'm also athletic. I think we're all athletic. I did not forget about my other sisters. Sheesh. I just noted that it seemed more of a passion for longer with Sarah and Katie...what with Sarah and soccer, and Katie and marathons....did you know Andrea that I played soccer too and was a track and field star?
Where do I begin? I have always known you to be athletic and competitive...must I remind you of our friendly softball match? :) If you need another couple to play with, Chris and I will do it! Just don't expect me to score any goals...or make any hoops I should say. I'll be a very enthusiastic cheerleader if nothing else and maybe I could bedazzle your basketball outfit. Oooh! We should do cornrows in your hair! I'm getting excited about all the possibilities already :)
Amy, it was actually you or Bethany who while we were on the bike hike for my 40th birthday who commented, "I guess Sarah is the athletic sister"... A comment that has clearly been in mine and Katie's craw ever since...haha. (Katie was training for a marathon at the time and I had planned a bike hike...)And I did not say you were not athletic. I agree, we all are. But some of you got more into it later. That's all I'm saying.
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