Well it has been almost a year now and my wallpaper matches the season so I thought it was time to blog...And yesterday I was really feeling like writing, but I was too busy and now today the feeling has fled. So I guess I'll make this brief. Aside from packing and being a single mom for a month the reason why I was so busy yesterday was that I had an ultrasound and Natalie had an orthodontist appointment and we had to do papers...in the worse weather EVER!!!
When we started out to do papers it was snowing. The kind that comes down really fast with huge flakes--really wet and accumulates fast on the ground. 'No problem' I thought, 'I'll wear my new winter boots from Brent.' They're big white sorel boots. Did I mention big? They are huge! Brent was trying to surprise me so he asked Michealah what size to get and she told him a 9. A 9?! Trying them on in the house they didn't feel too too big though and they were out of my size when I went to look at the store so I thought this would be a good time to try them out...Walking in them was exhausting. They were so heavy and my foot slipped out so much it forced me to lift up with every footstep. Then about half way into doing papers the snow changed to heavy pelting freezing rain. So I had to shuffle along in these heavy too big boots in 5 cm of slush while being soaked to the bone. By the time I finished my hip flexors were so sore I could hardly walk. My feet were kept toasty warm--too warm--I fantasized about taking them off and walking barefoot in the snow--but I imagine up there that'll be a good thing. So now I just don't know what to do about the boots...
I went to the ultrasound trying not to be too hopeful about them reporting the gender to the doctor. They never tell me the first time I go. But I really needed them to tell me. I told the technician about our move and needing to unload baby girl clothes if I wasn't having a girl and she said "fair enough" and that if she could see she would put a picture in for the radiologist to see. Then when she was showing us the baby, she went to have a look at the underside and sure enough the knees were bent and the feet were blocking any view. 'Again,' I thought. But then she pushed on my tummy a few times which got the baby to move and she said "there's one butt cheek, and there's the other, and there's something right there"
all in
4 weeks ago
what a momentous occasion! the post of the year! actually i hope that now that you are moving far far away you will blog more, so we miss you less. so exciting--a boy!!
A boy?! That is exciting! Must be a bit nerve wracking, too... And Brent should have asked me about boots. I hate Sorels. They are heavy. I always get Baffins. Made in Canada and the warmest and LIGHTEST boots I have ever had. And they last forever. I bought my first pair when Drew was born. I'm on my second pair... and I do need a new one but they are making it through their last winter okay. Just most of the tread has worn off. But they are like 10 years old. I got Rhiannon and Dean some this year and they LOVE them. They are so comfy. Sell the Sorels and get some Baffins. Also made in Canada which is a bonus.
Ugh, I'm tired from reading about the boots! You should do what Andrea suggested I think. Any chance you could try and get a refund? You already know this but YAY!!! A BOY!!! I can't wait to see what one of your boys looks like!! (past the newborn stage- and also, my memory of Corey (sp?)has grown dim)
you're having a BOY!!! it's so exciting!!!
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