When I look at my family I feel that I live such a charmed life. My heart has been so filled with gratitude lately. I am thankful that I am being blessed with another child. I just can't express how excited I am to see him and hold him in my arms. I feel like an ache from empty arms of 13 years ago is healing in some ways. I can hardly believe it is happening and that in a few short days he'll be born. As my pregnancy has drawn to a close, I have been reflecting on the special things about being pregnant. Usually I focus more on the things I don't like...being huge, shortness of breath, achy hips, peeing all the time, heartburn, blah blah blah. But like I said this time I have been reflecting on the other things. The special moments that are mine and his alone; the way I can feel him move; the wonder of this little person growing inside of me. In this last conference Sister Dalton in speaking to the young women said our bodies were temples because they have "the capacity to house not only our eternal spirit but
also the eternal spirits of others who will come to the earth as part of
your our eternal families." And I have just really felt that miracle at this time. And today being mother's day, I decided it was time to document my growing family in all my ginormous glory. It took some convincing to get Brent to cooperate, but in the end he was a good sport--just too bad we had so little daylight left. (1 of the advantages of being so far north right now was that we had any daylight left)

All of his big sisters are really excited and full of love for him already |
Don't they look alike? |

In Sunday school a few weeks ago the teacher told of an experience she'd
had when she was praying in frustration about her children. The answer
that came to her was "if you only knew who I had sent to your home..."
and that really struck me as being true of my own family. I am
I tried a belly to belly picture with Brent but it looked terrible. I think his belly is just too high. |
I hope you are satisfied now Sarah.
When I found out I was having a boy I had this amazing feeling wash over me. Like God was blessing me with a very special child and that He knew of my heartache in the past. I try to remember that feeling in my moments of doubt and fear like when he doesn't seem to be moving enough or when the doctor sends me to the hospital unexpectedly. Sometimes it can be hard to have faith in those special moments that happened in the past when there is some scary possibility presenting itself to me in the here and now. I'm scared for Tuesday--not looking forward to the last step I have to go through--but I just can't wait.
You look so beautiful!! I can't believe there's only one day left! I hope everything goes smoothly for your labour and that you get to ease the longing in those arms finally and hold that special boy!!
I agree, you look so beautiful, and so does all your family! I loved reading this post. I'll be prayin' for you tomorrow!
thanks Amy and Sarah!
I got a little teary looking at the pics, not going to lie...your family is so beautiful--you ARE lucky to have them. You looked soo gorgeous. I can't wait to meet your little bundle!!
what a great great post. we all love it so much when you post. i love your thoughts and reflections and i'm so happy for you. you guys look great, and everyone is right, you look so beautiful. and cute dress!
love you. next post should be pics of the babe!
What a beautiful belly! You are so cute when you are pregnant! Even at 40! So sorry I am just finding this now... Love the Tumbler Ridge backgrounds. It is as I was imagining.
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