first of all i'd just like to say that galaxy bars are really sweet. the meades brought me back one from england and i really can't eat very much of it. i actually willingly shared with nat. (usually i hide it from her when i'm eating chocolate and share somewhat reluctantly.) and brent ate more than half. (sorry sarah, i was trying to save it for sister movie night but brent got it out)
so my girls were very sweet for mother's day. mic made this flower that you turn and it says different things about me. not only did she say that she thought i was beautiful and that i love running, she also said that i love to sew and knit. haha. i'm guessing the teacher had a list of things they could write and mic didn't realize how uncrafty i am.
brent insisted that he had to go to pec which means we all go at 11:30 because choir is at 12. bill told him he might be out of town for a funeral and if so brent would have to go. i told brent to call just to make sure he wasn't home, but brent refused. he was sure he knew so much better than me. we drove into the church parking lot and there was bill's yellow convertible. arrrgh! then to make matters worse there was no choir. so we went an hour and a half early to church.
speaking of church, yesterday i was sustained and set apart as the relief society president. it was a time i had been dreading for some time. i'd feared a call in rs for awhile, but i was fearing being a teacher--not the one who has be in charge of running it all and teach every 3 months. i was really surprised when the bishop called me. i feel so inexperienced. the bishop is telling me stuff i just did not want to know if you know what i mean. he told me he sometimes he'll need someone to talk to and there are just 2 people he speak with: me and the stake president. and he wants me to counsel him. me. to counsel the bishop. ok. i can't continue in this vein because my heart is starting to pound and i can feel the adrenelin starting to flow. i haven't been able to sleep very well for awhile because of this.
so anyways, i knew it was all going to happen yesterday. i did not want the stares--i hate the spotlight. i told brent that i was going to sit in the back so no one would know where i was when they wanted to stare, but he said the bishop would ask where i was so i sat at our usual spot up at the front. i planned to use brent as shield and to slouch down in my seat. but no. even though bro shortinghuis started ripping through the names so fast i wasn't even sure he'd said my name (my full name with schofield...who's that?) then the bishop stopped him and said that he wanted us to stand. that was very uncomfortable for me and also very unnecessary. i think after living here for almost 8 years, everybody knows who i am. although who knows, there may be some that just know me as the clarke that married brent. it has happened before. as soon as sacrament meeting was over i was surrounded by well wishers and people wanting my email. for the rest of the day i got lots of congratulations, which to me is kind of a strange thing to say. congrats is what you say when someone has accomplished something--and it is usually something he/she desired to achieve. maybe it is their way of saying i support you. i hope so. being set apart was really a spiritual experience. i really felt sure then that i have the right counsellors--something i really struggled with. (sorry for using really so much but no other word is coming to mind) in my setting apart all my feelings of inadequacy were addressed. it was comforting. i tried hard to remember everything but at the end--after everyone else was set apart i couldn't remember very much and neither could brent. i was promised that i would draw very close to the Lord--closer than ever before. i'm looking forward to that part. i miss that closeness that is so easily maintained as a missionary.
today sharon came over and gave me all the books and her keys and told me everything i need to be aware of and need to do. oh oh. here comes the heart pounding adrenelin again. i'm going to stop. but if any of you come from wards where the new enrichment program has been implemented and running smoothly i'd like to know about how they're doing it. please. ok i have to go i'm starting to freak myself out again.
all in
4 weeks ago
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