it is monday morning. i'm tired, my eyes are burning, i have cramps and the house looks as if a tornado hit. what am i going to do about it? i'm going to sit here at the computer and procrastinate the inevitable. procrastinate. it is a thing i like to do. i don't like to face my responsibilities sometimes. sometimes it just feels like too much. there are a couple problems with my plan: i don't really know what to write about, and i can't stand the mess.
mic's baptism was nice. i had to give the talk. i tried to get her to pick anyone else to no avail. you might think that to give a talk at a baptism is a pretty simple thing, but this was not the case for me. the ideas, concepts, and feelings were just not flowing together for me. so finally it came down to the last moment. i set my alarm and got up early on saturday morning to do it. this is not something i like to do. that is leaving too much to the last minute when other things come up and i feel pressure and not inspiration. but this time it was all i could do. i hoped that i would have the whole peaceful early morning factor to help me. it didn't quite work to plan. the girls were already awake. madelaine had slept over against my better judgement. then they greatly annoyed me by trying to get some things that they are not allowed to out of their closet. instead they dumped a bunch of stuff on the floor. they knew i was awake, but they asked brent because he was asleep and would agree to anything to get them to let him sleep. by the time that it was time to go i was still not completely done. then it turned out that i left my talk at home. so i had to wing the whole thing. i guess that is what i get for getting angry with heavenly father. but really the talk is probably the most insignificant part of a baptism so it didn't really matter. i felt reallly emotional, but was able to keep it in check. mic was so excited. it was a good day. even in spite of the in-laws. i feel like telling some of them about how much they let brent and mic down, but i probably won't. what good will it do? one of the best parts was when esther sang. the bishop turned the time over for short testimonies. dad (who was disappointed that he wasn't in the program) dough and jordan got up. dough said it was one of the first times for him to go to the baptism of a princess. madelaine looked rather indignant and said "dad! what about my baptism?" haha. dad read a poem that he'd written for mic. afterwards i asked him for a copy and he said "i don't think anyone liked it" silly guy. well, i am starting to ramble. i guess it is time to face my tasks
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