Sunday, May 14, 2006

happy mother's day

my mother's day began when mic burst in at six in the morning asking brent if they could get started doing the "stuff." brent said no and she left for awhile but a little while later nat barged in. finally after repeated burstings in he gave in. so much for a luxurious sleep in. now i am banned to my bedroom but sleep fled a few burstings in previous, so i have the laptop. problem is i don't have everyone's addresses saved on the laptop. and it won't let me read laura's for some reason. it says the address doesn't exist. so i'm not left with much to do except for blogging. i smell turkey bacon. my stomach is full of butterflies. i am scared and nervous. on the one hand i am ready to let the cat out of the bag so i can be a little more open, but on the other hand, i'd like to keep the cat in the bag forever--until it suffocates and dies. time for me to go downstairs.

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