Friday, January 20, 2006

my life feels like it has become so stagnant and still since i last posted. i 've been sick (not from running in the rain, mind you. that is an old wives tale perpetuated by jane austen) Since i've been sick, i've done nothing but lie around the house and watch the mess accumulating around me. yesterday as i lay on the couch to play with natalie i couldn't keep my eyes open. i dosed off but managed to make jasmine say something whenever natalie would complain that i wasn't playing with her. although one time i knew even as it left my mouth it would make no sense to her because it had to do with what i was dreaming. michealah and nat each got polly pocket-type disney dolls for christmas. nat has belle and mic got jasmine. so i always have jasmine when i play with nat. i enjoy making her talk in an indian accent and calling belle "bellie bellie." nat now asks before we start playing for jasmine to not call belle "bellie bellie." haha, but sometimes i just can't resist it. every day brent comes home and cooks dinner and does the dishes. i feel quite guilty about this, and it is quite hard to let go of my control and let brent do things his way. (like the other day when he decide to make roasted potatoes and dumped about a cup of olive oil on them and then cooked hamburger with canned tomatoes to go with it.) this is especially hard because he is not as frugal and careful about using things up as me. but what can you do when you are sick? i just want to get it over with already!!!

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